Privacy Policy

In certain areas of this website, your data may be requested in order that we can send you relevant information.

We deliberately keep the data we request to the absolute minimum and we only use this data in connection with the facilities or information that you request.

We will never pass or sell on your information unless you specifically request us (in writing) to do so.

Should you wish to contact us regarding information you have submitted to this website you may do so at

Terms & Conditions of Website Use

About these terms and conditions

You are reading the terms and conditions for the use of Please remember that throughout these terms when we mention “we”, “us”, “our” etc, we mean When we refer to “you” we mean the user and/or browser of our website.

These terms and conditions make a legally binding contract between you and us. By browsing our website you accept these terms and conditions and acceptance is dated to your first use of this website. If you do not accept the terms and conditions or any part of them then you should immediately stop using our website.

By using this website you agree that you will not; obtain unauthorised access to any part of this site which is restricted from public access, disrupt or interfere with the security of this site or otherwise abuse any service provided on this site or linked website, nor to disrupt, interfere or abuse any other user’s enjoyment of the site.

In addition, use of this site constitutes an agreement that the user will not impersonate any person or entity, falsify or misrepresent any information, nor will a user post, promote or transmit any information that is libelous, defamatory, harmful, vulgar, obscene or objectionable or which would infringe the rights of a third party.

Nu Home Developments reserves the right to make changes to these terms and conditions from time to time and these changes will take effect from the date of posting on the website. By continuing to use the site you are deemed to accept any changes to the terms and conditions which may have been made.


The information provided on this website is provided “as is” and although we have taken the utmost care to ensure and maintain the accuracy, completeness and currency of information upon this site, we make no representation, endorsement or warranty as to its accuracy and will not be liable to users or any third party for any damages whatsoever, whether direct, indirect, incidental or consequential relating to or arising out of for any action taken (or not) in reliance upon this website information.

Any such action is taken entirely at your own risk and use of this website constitutes an agreement to indemnify, defend and hold the web site operators, officers, directors, employees, agents and business partners harmless for any loss, liability, claim, demand, damage or expense asserted by any third party relating to a visitors use of this web site or breach of these terms of use.

We reserve the right to make changes to the website information to correct any errors or omissions (or at our discretion) without notice and without any liability to you.

Copyright Notice

Nu Home Developments reserves copyright in all content provided on this site unless otherwise stated, this includes but is not limited to design, text, drawings, graphics or any other file. Nothing on this site may be reproduced, republished, downloaded, posted, transmitted, sold or used in any form or by any means in whole or part without prior written permission of the copyright holder. This permission may be granted at our discretion (or where we do not own the copyright, we will direct you to the owner themselves for such consent).
Nothing in these terms and conditions or on our website constitutes a license to use or copy any of the website information.
Additionally no part of this website content may be reproduced or reused for any purpose, commercial or otherwise, whatsoever.

About linking by hypertext to our website.

Before you link to our site you must seek our permission. To do this, please contact providing details of the URL to which you wish to link and also the URL of the page on which you will be displaying the link.

About links to other websites

This website may contain links to other sites. Any links within this site are provided for the convenience of our website users only and do not constitute our approval, representation or recommendation of their services, practices or opinions. Although we exercise the utmost care in providing links to sites which share our high standards, Nu Home Developments shall not be responsible for the content, security, availability and privacy practices used by such linked sites.

About the Internet

We (and all other web publishers) have no control over the Internet, which is a global public network of computers and the method by which you access our website. As a consequence and in common with most web publishers we take no responsibility for service interruption, or the transmission of viruses or other malicious computer code through our website.


Nu Home Developments has used its best efforts to obtain the most accurate and reliable information available and does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness or any information on or accessed through this website.
By providing links to other sites, Nu Home Developments does not guarantee, approve or endorse the information or product available at those sites nor does a link indicate any association between the linked site and the operator of this website.